3-3 Jun 2022 Montpellier (France)


 Welcome to CBS2 Day 2022 ! 

Like every year, the CBS2 association of PhD students (https://assocbs2.org/) is organizing a congress which aims to represent the students, to valorise their work and to share it with the scientific community of Montpellier. This year, the congress will take place the 3rd of June at Triolet campus (Sciences Faculty), and will be in presential. We want to deeply thanks our generous sponsor: the Doctoral School CBS2 thanks to whom the event can take place! 

Anyone is welcomed to register as a spectator! 

In order to organize this congress, we need volunteers CBS2 students to talk about their projects !

Talking about your project will be possible either with a short talk (10min talk + 5min questions) or thanks to a poster, or a flash talk (1 slide, 2.5 min of presentation). If you want to participate, you will be able to submit an abstract on this website! See "how to register" below! 

Presentations will be organized in different categories :

-          Health

-          Biotech, engineering and innovation

Presentations will be judged by a panel of scientists, and the best ones will be rewarded in each category!

We can’t wait to meet you and hear about your projects!

For any question please contact us at: assocbs2@gmail.com or check our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AssoCBS2 

How to register?

Anyone is welcome to join the congress as attendee! 

Motivated PhD students who want to present, please look at the following informations! 

Some key dates :

  • 08/05/21 : Deadline abstract submission

  • 12/05/21 : Answer if your abstract have been selected


  • 30/05/21 : Deadline registration for spectators: Just register on the website to participate! 

  • 30/05/21 : Deadline to send us your presentation (short-talk, poster and/or flash-talk)

 Please register to the event and then submit your abstract if you want to participate as a speaker in the "submission" area. 

You can apply for short-talk, poster session (with or without flash-talk) or both. In this latter case, do not forget to submit your abstract for each session.

Abstract instructions

  • Abstracts should be written in english

  • Abbreviations can be used after writing the full phrase first

  • Title (not exceed 20 words)

  • Authors (FIRST NAME1 NAME1, First name2 name2,...) 

  • The abstract itself 250 words

  • Distinct parts for your abstract : Objectives and context / Methods in brief / Results / Conclusion

  • 3 to 5 Key words (for categorization)

  • No images, figures or tables are accepted in the abstracts

  • Once submitted, your abstract cannot be modified. If you experience problems with your submission or would like to change your abstract, please contact the organizing committee. assocbs2@gmail.com

Short-talk instructions

- You will have 10 minutes to present your work followed by 5 minutes question session (talk in English)

- The organizing committee would be grateful if you send your presentation in PDF a few days before the meeting start (before May 30th)

Poster instructions

- Poster (in English) will be presented during dedicated poster sessions of 1 hour and a half in the Hall next to the congress amphitheater, during the lunch break and afternoon coffee break. 

- The organizing committee will not print posters. Please bring your printed poster (standard size A1, or A2) 

Flash-talk instructions

- 1 slide written in English (talk in English)

- You will have 2.5 (3 min at the very maximum) to present your work

- The organizing committee would be grateful if you send your presentation in PDF a few days before the meeting start (before May 30th)


Program and more details

The detailed program and exact location on the Triolet campus will be disclosed very soon, stay tuned! 

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